
[Talkwalker Alerts] Alert for skrillex

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News 37 new results
...Music Video für Ihre Skrillex Collaboration "Dirty Vibe"
...Musikvideo für ihre Zusammenarbeit mit Skrillex und Diplo durch Skrillexâ ???? s offiziellen YouTube-Kanal. Schmutzige ... Neuseeland. Dies ist das zweite Mal, dass Skrillex mit der BIGBANG Führer arbeitete als der Elektronik-Musiker...
16/12/14 12:08 | Germany | de.hikpop.com Tweet
スクリレックス「DIRTY VIBE」MV公開、G-DRAGON(BIGBANG)・CL(2NE1)とコラボ – SNN(Social News...
16 16:35:34 Photo by Jason Nocito EDM界の最強モンスター、Skrillexが今年3月にリリースした1stアルバム「RECESS」より、「DIRTY VIBE with ... E1)の2人も全編に渡り出演。ショウのために韓国を訪れていたSkrillexが、G-DRAGONとCLに出会った際、当時ディプロと制作中であったこのトラックを 2人に聴かせ、今回のコラボレーションを...
16/12/14 12:08 | Japan | snn.getnews.jp Tweet
MASTA WU – ‘이리와봐(feat. Dok2, BOBBY)’ M/V MAKING FILM | シンガポールからKPOP~YG大好き←限定 ブログ...
...0 カテゴリ 日記/記事の投稿 MASTA WU – ‘이리와봐(feat. Dok2, BOBBY)’ M/V MAKING FILM 記事追加+Skrillex - Dirty Vibe with Diplo, CL, & G-Dragon (OFFICIAL VIDEO) WINNER、中国の代表的な年末番組に招待され「異例的」 GD X TAEYANG - 'GOOD BOY' 1214 SBS Inkigayo...
16/12/14 12:06 | Japan | plaza.rakuten.co.jp Tweet
...Музыка Видео для их Skrillex сотрудничества "Грязные Vibe"
...видео для их сотрудничества с Skrillex и Diplo через официальный канал Skrillexâ ???? сек YouTube. Грязные ... Зеландии. Это второй раз, когда Skrillex работал с лидером BIGBANG как электронный музыкант одолжил свой...
16/12/14 12:05 | Russia | ru.hikpop.com Tweet
スクリレックス「DIRTY VIBE」MV公開、G-DRAGON(BIGBANG)・CL(2NE1)とコラボ | ガジェット通信
...by Jason Nocito EDM界の最強モンスター、Skrillexが今年3月にリリースした1stアルバム「RECESS」より、「DIRTY VIBE with Diplo, G-DRAGON ... E1)の2人も全編に渡り出演。ショウのために韓国を訪れていたSkrillexが、G-DRAGONとCLに出会った際、当時ディプロと制作中であったこのトラックを 2人に聴かせ、今回のコラボレーションを...
16/12/14 12:02 | Japan | getnews.jp Tweet
...HOME」をリリースした2NE1のDARAだった。 G-DRAGONは16日、2 NE1のCLと一緒に世界的なダブステップDJスクリレックス(SKRILLEX)の「Dirty Vibe」のミュージックビデオを公開し、話題になっている。大胆なビジュアルと強烈 なラップが印象に残る「Dirty Vibe」は、3月にG-DRAGONとCLがフィーチャリングしたスクリレックスの アルバム「RECESS」に収録されている。 ...
16/12/14 12:02 | Japan | netallica.yahoo.co.jp Tweet
【浮图音乐】Skrillex - Dirty Vibe (feat. Diplo, CL, & G-Dragon)_土豆_高清视频在线观看
关注浮图音乐微博, 获取更多音乐资讯 http://weibo.com/futumusic
16/12/14 11:58 | China | tudou.com Tweet
【D-LITE】ナルバキスンダンス動画コンテストの優秀賞の方にはこの後21時過ぎに 選考結果をお知らせ致します! 厳正なる選考行っております!...
スクリレックス、G-DRAGONらとバキバキMV | Skrillex | BARKS音楽ニュース スクリレックスが今年2014年3月にリリースした1stア ルバム『RECESS』より、「DIRTY VIBE with Diplo, G-...
16/12/14 11:56 | United States | inagist.com Tweet
Skrillex ft. G-Dragon、Diplo & CL 《Dirty Vibe》单曲 MV
来自于洛杉矶的知名电子音乐唱作人 Skrillex 继发布《Dirty Vibe》混音 EP 专辑之后,日前又释出了同名主打单曲 MV。 整部音乐录影带 Gangsta Pop ... 与 CL 出镜亲力亲为更是让整部 MV 赚足眼球,势必会助 Skrillex 在亚洲市场增添不少人气。
16/12/14 11:08 | United States | cn.hypebeast.com Tweet
Videoclip de 'Dirty Vibe ", protagonizada por G-Dragon & CL, dio a con...
El 16 de diciembre, el vídeo musical de DJ Skrillex 'Vibe Dirty' fue puesto en libertad aunque el ... con una breve entrevista con Skrillex. El video musical es total sobre la moda llamativo, peinados...
16/12/14 11:00 | Spain | es.hikpop.com Tweet
G-Dragon và CL tung MV chung cực chất | K-Pop
"Dirty Vibe" nằm trong album đầu tay "Recess" của Skrillex, phát hành hồi tháng 3 năm nay. Ca khúc ... cờ hoa.   "Dirty Vibe" MV – Skrillex Theo  FCH /  Trí Thức Trẻ
16/12/14 10:56 | Vietnam | vietgiaitri.com Tweet
Steve Aoki veräppelt seine Fans
Der einzige der nicht auf den Scherz hineinfiel, war der ebenso als Star-DJ bekannte Skrillex.
16/12/14 10:55 | Germany | ch.tilllate.com Tweet
How do different Asian countries celebrate Christmas? | SBS PopAsia
...do different Asian countries celebrate Christmas? 3 hours ago Skrillex drops "Dirty Vibe" MV feat. G-Dragon, CL & Diplo 6 hours ago EXO release Christmas song teaser “December, 2014” 7 hours ago
16/12/14 10:53 | Australia | sbs.com.au Tweet
Skrillex | Belly Up | Aspen Events at www.9news.com
Skrillex Saturday, January 24, 2015, 10:30 PM Sonny [Skrillex] is a multi talented, multi project one-man machine. He is versed in many different genres...
16/12/14 10:51 | United States | events.9news.com Tweet
...K-poparna är med i Skrillex nya - Här är musikvideon till Dirty Vib...
...blir större och större, även utanför ursprungslandet Sydkorea. Skrillex träffade två av de största stjärnorna inom K-pop - CL och G-Dragon, på en spelning och frågade om de ville samarbeta med honom på...
16/12/14 10:33 | Sweden | tjock.se Tweet
Pirmo reizi Latvijā uzstāsies Skrillex
Pirmo reizi Latvijā uzstāsies Skrillex Otrdiena, 2014. gada 16. decembris 09:32 Nākamā gada 11. februārī mūsu valsti ar savu audiovizuālo pirotehnikas un lāzeru šovu...
16/12/14 10:32 | Latvia | t.apollo.tvnet.lv Tweet
...16日凌晨,《DIRTY VIBE》MV公開,用簡短的文章介紹了MV和DJ Skrillex的採訪視頻而引人注目。   MV以華麗的髮型、服裝成為話題。通過一起公開的MV介 紹詞可以知道這片MV利用了“白色背景下 ... 在蘭博基尼前说唱的GD順次登場而使人投入在MV當中。   Skrillex通過採訪介紹合作的過程说“當我跟Diplo合作時在韓國見到了GD和CL,我真心想跟 他們做東西”,並且表達對他們的喜愛说“...
16/12/14 10:32 | China | dailynews.sina.com Tweet
韓星權志龍推特轉發破5萬 粉絲數超361萬_娛樂頻道_新浪網-北美
...YG藝人的粉絲占了最多。   另外,GD在16日凌晨公開跟CL一起出演的《DIR TY VIBE》MV而成為話題。此歌曲是DJ Skrillex專輯《RECESS》的收錄曲,於3月發布,強烈的Rapping引人注目。
16/12/14 10:32 | China | dailynews.sina.com Tweet
Clip de 'Dirty Vibe,' mettant en vedette G-Dragon & CL, dévoilé
...DJ Skrillex a été libéré que le site officiel de Red Bull avec une courte entrevue avec Skrillex. Le ... charismatiques. Lors de son entrevue, DJ Skrillex a dit, «Je ai rencontré G-Dragon et CL en Corée tout en travaillant...
16/12/14 10:25 | France | fr.hikpop.com Tweet
Music video of 'Dirty Vibe,' starring G-Dragon & CL, unveiled
On December 16th music video of DJ Skrillex's 'Dirty Vibe' was released though the official website of Red Bull along with a short interview with Skrillex. The music video is full over flashy fashion...
16/12/14 10:22 | South Korea | en.hikpop.com Tweet
Musik-Video von 'Dirty Vibe ", mit G-Dragon & CL, enthüllt
...enthüllt. Dezember wurde Musik-Video von DJ Skrillex die 'Dirty Vibe ", obwohl der offiziellen Website von Red Bull mit einem kurzen Interview mit Skrillex freigegeben. Das Musikvideo ist voll über auffällige Mode...
16/12/14 10:21 | Germany | de.hikpop.com Tweet
O vídeo da música de 'Dirty Vibe, "estrelado por G-Dragon & CL, revelo...
Em 16 de dezembro, música vídeo de DJ Skrillex 'Vibe suja' foi lançado, embora o site oficial da Red ... com uma pequena entrevista com Skrillex. O vídeo da música é total sobre moda chamativo, penteados...
16/12/14 10:20 | Brazil | pt.hikpop.com Tweet
Музыка видео 'Грязные Vibe, в главной роли G-Dragon & CL, представила
16 декабря, музыкальное видео DJ Skrillex грязна Vibe "был выпущен хотя на официальном сайте Red Bull вместе с кратким интервью с Skrillex. Клип полный над роскошным образом, прически, и много различных...
16/12/14 10:17 | Russia | ru.hikpop.com Tweet
Gd-cl出演,「dirty Vibe」mv公开「华丽无比」
...公开了世界级Dubstep DJ Skrillex的歌曲「Dirty Vibe」MV,以及相关介绍的文字,与关于Skrillex的简短采访 在被公开的MV中,不仅有华丽的时尚与发型,还有运用了不 ... 由地唱着饶舌的GD轮番登场,让观众们看得目不转睛。 之后,Skrillex在简短采访中表示,「在GD-CL与Diplo合作时,在韩国与他们见过面,觉得总想和 他们合作些什么」,说出了合作的过程 还...
16/12/14 09:51 | China | cn.hikpop.com Tweet
Gd-cl出演,「dirty Vibe」mv公開「華麗無比」
...公開了世界級Dubstep DJ Skrillex的歌曲「Dirty Vibe」MV,以及相關介紹的文字,與關於Skrillex的簡短採訪 在被公開的MV中,不僅有華麗的時尚與髮型,還有運用了不 ... 由地唱著饒舌的GD輪番登場,讓觀眾們看得目不轉睛。 之後,Skrillex在簡短採訪中表示,「在GD-CL與Diplo合作時,在韓國與他們見過面,覺得總想和 他們合作些甚麼」,說出了合作的過程 還...
16/12/14 09:50 | China | tw.hikpop.com Tweet
Skrillex - Documentos - Fridabvb
 Skrillex Sonny John Moore más conocido por su nombre artístico Skrillex, es un productor estadounidense ... electrónica, bajo el alias de Skrillex en clubes de Los Angles. Anteriormente, se había conocido en...
16/12/14 09:45 | buenastareas.com Tweet
Skrillex has released the video for 'Dirty Vibe' featuring Diplo and ... producers for a while now , and Skrillex admits that he’s drawn to their music just as much as their...
16/12/14 09:29 | United Kingdom | mixmag.net Tweet
Skrillex、1stアルバム『recess』よりdiploら参加の注目曲「dirty Vibe」のmv公開!
EDM界の最強モンスター、SKRILLEXが1stアルバム『Recess』収録曲「Dirty Vibe」のミュージック・ビデオをredbull.comにてプレミア ... E1)の2人も全編に渡り出演。ライヴのために韓国を訪れていたSKRILLEXが、G-DRAGONとCLに出会った際、当時DIPLOと制作中であったこのトラック を2人に聴かせ、今回のコラボレーションをオファーしたという。 また、DJ...
16/12/14 09:20 | Japan | gekirock.com Tweet
Skrillex - Dirty Vibe (Video) ~ SOUND IN THE SIGNALS
Stream the video over at Red Bull: HERE .
16/12/14 09:00 | United States | soundinthesignals.com Tweet
G-Dragon và CL tung MV chung cực chất-Giới trẻ-Tin 24/7
"Dirty Vibe" nằm trong album đầu tay "Recess" của Skrillex, phát hành hồi tháng 3 năm nay. Ca khúc ... cờ hoa.   "Dirty Vibe" MV – Skrillex Theo  FCH /  Trí Thức Trẻ
16/12/14 08:41 | Vietnam | tin247.com Tweet
...and 2NE1's CL star in Skrillex’s ‘Dirty Vibe’ MV released by Scooter Braun’s...
...an DJ and electronic musician Skrillex released the music video of the track "Dirty Vibe" featuring ... flashy sound" that is distinct of Skrillex's music. It also noted that the song matched really well with...
16/12/14 07:41 | United States | vcpost.com Tweet
Recess | Discografía de Skrillex en Letras.com
No Text
16/12/14 05:45 | Spain | letras.com Tweet
Here are all the photos from Stereosonic 2014
And while the headliners – from mainstage deities like Tiesto and Calvin Harris to Skrillex and Diplo – all delivered memorable sets, for many it was the emerging local artists who owned the festival...
16/12/14 05:09 | United States | inthemix.com.au Tweet
G Dragon Dan Cl Rilis Video Kolaborasi Harian Analisa
...musiknya. Dua musisi internasional, Skrillex dan Diplo, juga menjadi dua bintang yang ada di belakang layar. Ini bukan kali pertama Skrillex dan Diplo bekerja sama dengan G-Dragon. Sebelumnya, Diplo pernah...
16/12/14 04:54 | Indonesia | analisadaily.com Tweet
Skrillex – “dirty Vibe” Video (feat. Diplo, G-dragon & Cl)
Before Diplo and Skrillex got together to form their new duo Jack Ü, they collaborated on “Dirty Vibe,” a track from Skrillex’s 2014 album Recess. The song also features the K-Pop stars...
16/12/14 04:39 | Ireland | us.anygator.com Tweet
Kultūra, māksla | Pirmo reizi Latvijā uzstāsies Skrillex
Šķiet, tagad Rīgu vēl pārliecinošāk var dēvēt par Eiropas kultūras galvaspilsētu. Nākamā gada 11. februārī mūsu valsti ar savu audiovizuālo pirotehnikas un lāzeru šovu apmeklēs izcilais dabstepa (amerikāņu...
15/12/14 09:08 | Latvia | reitingi.lv Tweet
...collaboration with CL and Skrillex
...an upcoming collaboration by Skrillex  featuring the two YG Entertainment  labelmates and Diplo ! G-Dragon ... with the message "#dirtyvibe @Skrillex @diplo @chaelinCL," naming all the artists he's collaborating...
13/12/14 12:22 | South Korea | en.hikpop.com Tweet
Blogs 18 new results
#momentofclarity: Zedd Announces World Premiere Of Documentary
...series of remixes of tracks by Skrillex, The Black Eyed Peas, Fatboy Slim, and Lady Gaga . He has headlined ... with cameos from his buddies  Skrillex , deadmau5 , Hayley Williams (of Paramore fame), Dillon Francis...
16/12/14 11:33 | Malaysia | hype.my Tweet
Best of Bootie 2014
DJs From Mars – We Will Breathe In The Name of Bangarang (Queen vs. Rage Against The Machine vs. Prodigy vs. Skrillex) – Italy 6. Titus Jones – Wannabe At My Birthday Party? (Katy Perry vs. Cash Cash...
16/12/14 11:29 | United States | bootiemashup.com Tweet
Kye Gibbon and Matt Robson-Scott are Gorgon City
...beautiful castle. I said to myself: Oh Shit… Matt: Verona was with Skrillex and simply incredible. It was cool because everyone was there to see him but they really enjoyed our music; i like Italy, every...
16/12/14 11:00 | United Kingdom | redmilkmagazine.com Tweet
Grotésque Club presenta Black Lotus Festival en el Hangar - La Guía Go...
Han compartido tarima con Steve Aoki, Skrillex, Tiga, 2Many Djs, Crookers, Fatboy Slim y muchos más ... sus fiestas como STEVE AOKI, SKRILLEX, CYBERPUNKERS,THE BLOODY BEETROOTS, FATBOY SLIM… entre otros…...
16/12/14 10:00 | Spain | madrid.laguiago.com Tweet
YG FAMILYY — CL - Wild Magazine Interview! You began training...
...English. I love it, it’s new.” With Skrillex, you were rapping over dubstep on “Dirty Vibe.” More recently ... and it was a lot of fun because Skrillex was actually in our studio in Korea. I love Diplo’s music and...
16/12/14 09:42 | United States | ygfamilyy.tumblr.com Tweet
Fashion show - CL: Rising in the East
...vocal tone and notable lyrical prowess. You may have heard her on Skrillex's new album, rapping with such charisma and skill she makes the dubstep track "Dirty Vibe" sound fresh. The break out beauty has...
16/12/14 09:27 | United States | topfash.com Tweet
Keylor Navas dominó en Google: arquero ha sido lo más buscado por los ticos...
...es recreación Qué es predicado Qué es amalgamas Qué significa skrillex Qué es riesgo Qué es adverbio Preguntas que empezaron con 'cómo' Cómo hacer pulseras Cómo sacar porcentaje Cómo dibujar flores Cómo...
16/12/14 09:15 | Spain | crhoy.com Tweet
No Title
...komen yg buruk ^,~ n now netizen malah muji gd n cl bisa kolab brg skrillex bw nama korea di amrik .. talk to my hand netizen
16/12/14 08:44 | Indonesia | koreanindo.net Tweet
Atomlabor Adventskalender Türchen Nr. 16 | Best Of Bootie 2014 ( Free Download...
DJs From Mars – We Will Breathe In The Name of Bangarang (Queen vs. Rage Against The Machine vs. Prodigy vs. Skrillex) – Italy 6. Titus Jones – Wannabe At My Birthday Party? (Katy Perry vs. Cash Cash...
16/12/14 07:18 | Germany | blog.atomlabor.de Tweet
How to have a kick-ass party | Jennie Trotter
...dubstep, and no one else at your party cares even remotely who Skrillex is. A great way around this one is to ensure that you have a DJ who is trustworthy and keen to play to a small gathering (or large...
16/12/14 07:10 | United States | becomegorgeous.com Tweet
El nuevo video de Skrillex, acompañado de Diplo, G-Dragon y CL
...Artista:  Skrillex Colaboradores: G-Dragon, CL y Diplo Álbum:   Recess Comentarios: Skrillex y Diplo , además... Este nuevo extracto del más reciente disco de Skrillex, Recess,  también cuenta con la participación...
16/12/14 05:34 | Mexico | monky.com.mx Tweet
Music Video │ “Dirty Vibe” by Skrillex Ft. Diplo, G-Dragon & CL
After the visuals rendered for the “Fuck That” single, Skrillex makes a comeback with yet another music clip. This one, for “Dirty Vibe,” features a lot of neon lights that will remind you of...
16/12/14 03:30 | United States | swipelife.com Tweet
...One's Memory Green: Skrillex - Dirty Vibe with Diplo, CL, & G-Dragon
No Text
16/12/14 02:46 | United States | hyrakane303.blogspot.com Tweet
Dancing Astronaut’s Top 25 Most Impactful Artists of 2014 #BIG100
...Guetta and taking the stage with Skrillex and Bonnoroo. 10. Steve Angello In his first full year focusing ... conversations worth having. 2. Skrillex Thankfully, we’ve finally moved on from the brief period in dance...
16/12/14 01:50 | United States | edmcrave.com Tweet
Dancing Astronaut’s 25 Artists to Watch in 2015 #BIG100
...remix with Skrillex on Yogi’s “Burial.” Now officially a member of Skrillex’s OWSLA kingdom, the reign ... 2015. Gosteffects It’s hard to doubt Skrillex’s own hand-picked choices – a fact that remains true for Gosteffects...
16/12/14 01:50 | United States | edmcrave.com Tweet
[#comeback] 2014/12/15 Skrillex Ha Lanzado Por Fin Su Nuevo Tema
...fuertes ritmos de esta canción, la música electrónica y el rap.   Skrillex Vía: Youtube Resubido/Redacción: Beariz @KJCplacespain *No editar ni borrar créditos*
16/12/14 01:46 | Spain | kjcplacespain.wordpress.com Tweet
[VIDEO] Skrillex release official MV for ‘Dirty Vibe’ featuring...
[VIDEO] Skrillex release official MV for ‘Dirty Vibe’ featuring G-Dragon & CL This ... dirty vibe , G-dragon , mvs , skrillex , videos , yg family . Bookmark the permalink .
15/12/14 22:02 | United States | keksprinzessin.wordpress.com Tweet
Skrillex & Diplo – Dirty Vibe Remixes (2014)
Label/Cat#: Owsla Source: WEB Release date: 2014-12-15 Format: mp3 Quality: 320 kbps Size: 50 mb Genre: Electronic Style: Electro, House, Trap Tracklist 01. Dirty Vibe (DJ Snake & Aazar Remix) 3:36 02...
15/12/14 16:42 | United States | theedmfire.wordpress.com Tweet
Discussions 4 new results
The Best Bass Headphones are.. ( "The EXTREME BASS Club")
Im very well connected to the bass music scene (a close friend of mine has direct connections to skrillex) and am currently looking for a pair of headphones exactly as you described actually. I could...
16/12/14 11:35 | United States | head-fi.org Tweet
...Guttenberg-galaksi Registered: 05.12.2008 Posts: 17564 Website Re: Skrillex As a human, great man! Sankarinainen pelasti koiraa pelastaneen miehen, joka pelasti sankarinaisen, jotka pelastivat koiran ...
16/12/14 10:41 | Finland | tosviol.net Tweet
Discussion: Excited for Jojo's comeback?
...years, like Bruno, Ed sheeran, Christina Perri, Fun, Janelle Monáe, Skrillex, Wiz Khalifa and Charli XCX. But one thing her team needs to do is sending her on a radio tour, her song needs to be embraced by...
16/12/14 03:56 | United States | atrl.net Tweet
Music Video: Skrillex f/ CL & G-Dragon "Dirty Vibe" Page 2
CL looked amazing and her bars were hot. I can't wait for her English album.
16/12/14 01:37 | United States | atrl.net Tweet
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